
Synergy Thrislington has showcased its products, technologies, and services to a wide audience in the exihibitions held in throughput the country. These events have been great opportunity for Synergy Thrislington to showcase its capabilities, connect with potential customers, partners, and suppliers, and stay up-to-date on the latest industry trends and innovations. These events have been a place to show its demonstrations, presentations, workshops, and networking events. These events have helped in connecting professionals in the industry, as well as the general public.

Here, Below are the glimpse of the events done by the company:

Noida Expo Nov-Dec, 2022

Mumbai Expo June, 2022

Bangladesh Expo May, 2022

Chandigarh Expo April, 2022

Nepal Expo April, 2022

Haridwar Expo April, 2022

Noida Expo, 2021

Sri Lanka Lab Expo, 2020

Nepal Lab Expo(Kathmandu), 2019

P-MEC CPHI, November 2019

Pharma Tech EXPO, Chandigarh 2019

Pharma Tech EXPO, Chandigarh 2018

Kenya Pharma Expo, 2018

Pharma Pro and Pack, Hyderabad, 2017

Bahrain Exhibition, 2013


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